We'll Show You Ours: Fringe 2010
August 19, 2010So once again, Vince and I found ourselves with some time to kill before a Staff get together at our workplace. What better place was there to go than to the Fringe Festival in Edmonton, where the sun was shining brightly with no clouds in sight?

This year, we chose to go see the show 'Like Father, Like Son? Sorry', starring Chris Gibbs. The show was about Gibbs himself, fearing that his socially awkward personality would be a possible negative influence on the development of his son. However, he was hilarious in his performance, and really kept the show going! Time passed without us even knowing :) I really liked how he incorporated his own life experiences into his show, which made it realistic and easily relatable. I definitely agree with the ratings on this one, 5 out of 5 stars!
After the show, we still had time before the party, and to curb my hungry belly, we picked up some.. elephant ears!! I absolutely LOVE elephant ears, despite the ridiculously high levels of fat and sugar in them. You eat them once a year, might as well indulge while you can!

mmm, elephant ears!
While inhaling the elephant ears, we saw a performer setting up at one of the outdoor stages. This guy was nuts! He put on a show using a variety of different props, like knives, a three wheeled unicycle, and barrels to balance on top of. I don't think I've seen a fringer that talented in a while!

The party was fun, we ate lots of food and had time to just have a good time with our coworkers. They are a fantastic bunch!! And to top it all off, I won a $50 gift card to Costco, while Vince won a $30 gift certificate to Julios Barrio.. we know where we'll be visiting soon! ;)
Thank you so much for stopping by! I would love to hear anything you have to say.