Benefit POREfessional
July 23, 2011Believe it or not, I picked up this product back in October, at the Trick or Treat Yourself Gala. I kind of pushed it aside and didn't give it too much attention, until sometime two weeks ago when it was brought up again in my life.

The POREfessional is intended to minimize the appearance of pores, and smooth out the skin for a truly flawless look. It can be used under or over makeup, and it feels very silky when applied. I believe I bought this purely for the fact that it made my skin feel A-MA-ZING. Just kidding, kind of. I also have pretty big pores, so I also bought it for that. Believe it or not, pore size is purely genetic. There's no serums or magical potions you can put on your skin to physically make them smaller. You can make them appear smaller, but that's about it.

The product itself comes with an insert, as most Benefit products do, that explains how to use the product, and what it's meant to do. The product is a light peach toned colour, but upon application, it smooths out and appears translucent, so that it cannot be seen. It has a very nice soothing, silky texture that makes your skin feel oh-so-soft when applied to the T-Zone

My pores are definitely minimized upon application of this balm. When worn under foundation, my pores pretty much disappear and my skin looks like one smooth canvas! It's actually pretty cool. I love using this product when I'm going out or know that I will be taking lots of pics, because my skin looks great when I use it! I definitely recommend the product, but make sure to check the ingredients label when purchasing - it contains silicones that people are allergic to.
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