
Two Rooms Cafe [CLOSED]

September 13, 2011

While the heat wave continued on last week, Lisa and I hit up Whyte Ave for lunch while we still had the chance - beautiful weather and no assignments! Phew. This week on the other hand... don't even get me started.

Two Rooms Cafe & Bar - 10324 82 Avenue - Edmonton AB

Two Rooms Cafe is a quaint little restaurant - and in a location tucked away if you ask me. The many times I have shopped along this avenue throughout my life, I honestly never knew that such a cafe existed, let alone a space like it. It hosts a patio outdoors in the summer, in which the umbrellas tend to hide it's sign posted against a small space on the wall. Perhaps it's easier to find in the Winter?

The lighting inside the restaurant isn't fantastic - we were lucky the rays of sun from outside brightened up the space. The walls are lined with artist paintings of the Edmonton skyline - they actually made me appreciate the beauty of our city & the river valley.

The way the menu is presented makes this restaurant seem catered to vegetarians. 90% of the items are without meat, but I'm sure there is the option of adding your favourite protein in there for an additional cost.

All the choices on the lunch menu were served with a side of soup or salad, and ranged from $9-$14. Lisa ordered the tofu sandwich ($11), consisting of lightly fried tofu, tomatoes, zucchini, greens & spinach, and the soup of the day (curry on the side).

As for myself I got the portobello, roasted pepper & feta panini on multigrain ($13)- so delicious! The sandwich also contained an avocado spread, reminiscent of guacamole, and caramelized onions. Altogether it was such an amazing combination, all warm and gooey with the melted cheese. The salad I could care less for - romaine lettuce, diced tomato & cucumber, and shredded carrots with dressing. The soup is a better value!

Although the restaurant is at the "end" of the popular side of Whyte Avenue, I would definitely recommend checking this place out. All the items on the menu are reasonably priced, and they have tons of variety. They also feature an open kitchen you can peer into - I always love watching people prepare my food for me :)

Two Rooms on Urbanspoon

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