
Manicure Monday: My Very First Knockwurst

September 17, 2012

Hi everyone! Hope you had an enjoyable weekend and a great start to your week. Ever since the beginning of this school year, I could no longer enjoy my Mondays.. I start classes at 8 AM, and finish at 5 PM, with just a one hour break all day long. I'm dreading the next couple Mondays this semester that I'll have to wake up at 6AM just to get to school on time.. :(

Today I have another neutral shade from the OPI Germany collection for Fall 2012 share for you, and this one's called My Very First Knockwurst.

The creme shade doesn't exactly remind me of knockwurst, or bratwurst for that matter. Don't think I'd want to eat sausages that are this shade of pink, but it honestly does remind me of baby piglets which the sausages are usually made of. Maybe this is the connection?

Either way, this shade is a very pretty pale, putty pink. The formula was very smooth upon application, and was much more opaque than I had anticipated. Two thin coats brought upon full opacity, and the shade wears to 4 or 5 days without chips.

School is very, very busy for me right now, so I apologize for not getting back to you guys sooner! I will definitely make some time to sit down and reply to you all individually in the next couple days. Have a great week!

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  1. Love OPI nail polish.^^
    German collection...I'm from germany.xD
    Thanks,for the follow. Follow you back on gfc.
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  2. Andra, i use to have those 8am classes. they are a killer girl! hang in there and I'm praying for you. i had to laugh at your explanation of the nail lacquer color because I was THINKING the same thing! hahahaha i've seen white bratwurst and cannot stomach them at all purely on the color. great nail polish color! have a great week.

    1. Ugh, totally know what you mean! Bratwurst just by itself looks terrible unappetizing haha :)

  3. cute blog girlie! let's follow each other! xx

  4. I have to say your nails are beautiful!! :O


  5. Great Nails!

    Love your style and see you as such as good inspiration :) !

    I'm an instant follower of you now :)

    Please feel free to check out my blog if you have the time

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  6. the colour is really cute. love it
    by the way, I'm hosting a giveaway with clothingloves.You can win $100 cash coupon! join it!

  7. Oooo pretty nude color. I like it!

    xo - Sheila


  8. The color is really pretty. I dread waking up early too!

    xo Jo


  9. I love light/pastel colors the best. Your nails are always nicely done...how do you do it? ;) The Germany collection? Haven't heard of it. I'm going to look for it next time I'm out. I've tried the new L'Oreal and Essie Fall colors. You should check those out, too!

    1. I'm thinking I should do a nail care tutorial soon.. there's too many steps for me to explain! I love the colours in this collection, but I'll definitely have to check out the L'oreal and Essie as well. Thanks!

  10. This is such a pretty colour. I love that it's a grey based pink.

    xx Jenee C.
    {camo meets couture}

  11. that is beautiful!! love your nails!

  12. it is my favorite polish during all summer!
    i am glad if you visit mt blog too
    Maybe we follow each other!?
    let me now


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