For the month of April, Ovarian Cancer Canada and Edmonton City Centre Mall have been teaming up together to present Teal Tuesdays - events going on over lunch hour to raise awareness for ovarian cancer by making it unignorable. Being a health care professional myself, I know that ovarian cancer is the most dangerous of all gynecological cancers. The symptoms can be attributed to a variety of conditions, so when the symptoms become severe, the cancer is typically in the late stage of the disease. And that is why it is so important to detect the cancer early, as the survival rate is much higher (90%+).
The campaign is a partnership between Ovarian Cancer Canada and Edmonton City Centre Mall. It aims to raise awareness of ovarian cancer, known as the disease that whispers, and provide women with information that can be used to identify the signs of ovarian cancer, which are often difficult to detect. It can be easy to ignore the symptoms of this disease because many of them don’t seem out of the ordinary. Symptoms include swelling or bloating of the abdomen, pelvic discomfort or heaviness, back or abdominal pain, fatigue, gas, nausea, indigestion, change in bowel habits, emptying your bladder frequently, menstrual irregularities, weight loss or weight gain.

So last Tuesday, I was invited to check out the Teal Tresses event to help raise awareness and show support for the cause - something I was more than happy to attend! Alongside city councillors Kim Krushell and Karen Leibovici and other style bloggers in the city, we each got deal extensions placed in our hair by Eveline Charles stylists to show our support.
It was a lovely lunch hour event with a great turnout - many men and women got teal accents in their hair to show their support. Teal is such an eye-catching colour, no one can ignore it! Tomorrow is the final Teal Tuesday event, where everyone is invited to stop by the teal lounge to enjoy the party, music, and complimentary tea provided by David's Tea. Get your picture taken with the Unignorable display, or pick up the scarf I have above to show your support. Every little bit counts! Edmonton City Centre is also hosting a contest where you can win a $1000 shopping spree - could anything be better?