
A Big Thankyou: Lace Dress & Emerald Accents

May 18, 2013

I have a lot of things to be thankful for. The past couple months my life have been a whirlwind adventure - with school, family, jobs, etc. But one thing has kept me mostly sane - and that is this blog here! I need to say a big thank you to all of you that support me in this blogging journey, because so many great things have come my way. I've been able to connect with countless individuals throughout the world, and locally the support has been amazing. For those of you that are unaware, a couple months ago, I was shortlisted with a nomination for Yeggie - an award recognizing social media in Edmonton. I was nominated for Best in Food - and although I didn't win the award, it was a honor just being nominated with all the other deserving individuals.

So with this post, I thought it would be suitable to share with you what I wore on the night of the awards banquet.

H&M Eyelet dress (similar) (love this) | Shoedazzle Heels (similar)
Aldo Clutch (similar) | Oia Jules Necklace

Who knows where this adventure is going to take me next? All I can say is that I will continue to work hard and be thankful for everything I'm given. So thankyou, thankyou, thankyou - I cannot thank you all enough for being here on this journey with me.

xo Andrea

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  1. So elegant, perfect outfit. Have a nice weekend.


  2. Andrea, you looked fabulous! I love your dress and that necklace is exquisite. Congratulations on your nomination! That says so much! I truly enjoy reading your blog. You're a beautiful person both inside and out. Your writing is superb and I love your foodie reviews. I wish you continued success.

  3. Congratulations on your nomination as well! I follow your blog after reading your restaurant reviews....Love your outfit and especially that gorgeous necklace. You look so cute! Keep up the good work...

  4. So proud of you, Andrea! And you looked HOT HOT in this outfit!

    xo Jo


  5. wow you just look stunning!!
    kisses from milano

  6. WOoow, so beautiful! The necklace is gorgeous! I also love the dress <3

  7. So beautiful! Congratulations on your nomination Andrea! Who knows what will happen in years to come, but for what you've accomplished so far, we're all so proud of you!

  8. You look amazing Andrea! Congratulations!

  9. I love this look :)

    Jamie Kate
    All Around Chekwa x Oasap May Giveaway. Join here!

  10. Congrats on your achievement and you went with style! Stunning and all the best!

    MRS JACK OF ALL TRADES (a fashion and life-style blog)

  11. beautiful dress! love it! :)

  12. That is super cool! Its too bad you didn't win, but a nomination is still wonderful~ and all the best to the future of your blog :)
    also have to mention that your outfit was lovely^^


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