What do you like to eat in the summer? For me, the ideal summer meal is either a burger or something refreshing. And it has to be accompanied by a cold drink and a patio in the sun!

One $50 Gift Card to Original Joes
To enter, tell me which summer menu item you're most interested in by commenting on this post. Then simply leave me your email address in the giveaway widget below. Please make sure you leave a valid email address, as this is how I will be contacting you.
1. Follow Little Miss Andrea via Facebook
2. Follow me via Twitter (@littlmissandrea)
3. Tweet the following: "The @originaljoes summer menu is back! Enter to win a $50 GC from @littlmissandrea: http://t.co/AqzKjLcr4g #yegfood"
4. Follow me via Instagram (@littlmissandrea)
a Rafflecopter giveaway